
Virgil's Orange Cream Soda (#40)

Overall Rating: 8.07 out of 10

Reeds, Los Angeles, CA


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 42g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Smooth clear bottle with colorful label. Also a nice matching wrapper around neck = 7.5

  • Color: Orange Burst = 8.0

  • Taste: Refreshing Orange taste  = 8.3

  • Experience: Another great Virgil’s treat   = 8.5

  • Sweetener: Unbleached Cane Sugar

    Virgil’s Orange cream soda provides a refreshing orange taste. The Orange Cream soda a sweet orange drink that feels light and goes down smooth. Give this soda a try with foot long sub from your local deli

Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda (#39)

Overall Rating: 8.12 out of 10

Reeds, Los Angeles, CA


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 42g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Smooth clear bottle with colorful label. Also a nice matching wrapper around neck = 7.5

  • Color: Inviting Red = 8.5

  • Taste:  Sweet and smooth cherry taste  = 8.0

  • Experience: Another great Virgil’s treat   = 8.5

  • Sweetener: Unbleached Cane Sugar

    Here is another great staple from Virgil’s. The Black Cherry Cream soda provides that perfect black cherry and cream taste. This soda has a oh so sweet cream taste that goes down smooth. The black cherry provides a fruity bite. Give this soda a try after a long day in the office and you won’t be disappointed.

MacFuddy (#38)

Overall Rating: 8.3 out of 10

Bottled thru Orca Beverages


150 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 41g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Vintage style label with corky sayings = 8.5

  • Color: Peppery cola look = 8.0

  • Taste:  Very unique with interesting bite = 8.2

  • Experience: This is definitely a unique drink with that sweet pepper bite. Give it try after a rough day in the office  = 8.5

  • Sweetener:  Cane Sugar

   For all those Dr Pepper lovers out there, you have to try a MacFuddy. This is a very unique and appealing soda. With a solid Dr. Pepper taste at the start, you will notice a peppery but sweet after bite that grabs your attention. I really enjoyed this soda and definitely will go for a few more bottles. The vintage label is well done with its corky sayings such as “12oz of 24 hours of flavorable outcomes” and “Infused with Luck” If you can find this soda, for sure you need to give it try after a rough day in the office.

Hank's Gourmet Grape Soda (#37)

Overall Rating: 8.0 out of 10

Hanks Gourmet Beverages, Philadelphia, PA


180 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 44g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Great heavy bottle. Classy label with gold print including neck label  = 8.5

  • Color: Mystic Purple = 8.0

  • Taste:  Average grape taste = 7.5

  • Experience: Hanks Grape soda has that stable grape and sweet taste  = 8.0

  • Sweetener:  Cane Sugar

    After tasting the Hanks Root Beer on my last review, the Grape had a common taste and sweetness.The Grape Soda provided an average but inspiring grape refreshment. This soda went down smooth and also leaves that desire for a second one. Like the Root Beer, I’m impressed with the bottle. It is a nice curved heavy bottle and classy label. Looking forward to trying the other Hank’s flavors. Give Hank’s a try at your next cookout.

Check out the Hank’s story:

Hank's Gourmet Root Beer (#36)

Overall Rating: 8.42 out of 10

Hanks Gourmet Beverages, Philadelphia, PA


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 41g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Great heavy amber bottle. Classy label with gold print including neck label  = 8.5

  • Color: Medium brown mystery = 8.5

  • Taste:  Smooth and stable root beer = 8.0

  • Experience: Hanks has an unique taste that goes down smooth. Enjoy one of these on your next cook-out  = 8.7

  • Sweetener:  Cane Sugar

    At first taste, I really enjoyed Hank’s Root Beer. This root beer was not an overtaking foamy mess, but a smooth and easy going soda. Hanks has a great aroma and the right amount of cane sugar to give it “ I want another one” feeling. I was also really impressed with the bottle. It is a nice curved heavy amber bottle and classy label. Looking forward to trying the other Hank’s flavors. Give Hank’s a try at your next cookout.

Check out the Hank’s story:

Lemmy Lemonade (#35)

Overall Rating: 8.12 out of 10

Bottled thru Orca Beverages


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 43g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Smooth clear bottle with original Lemmy label = 8.2

  • Color: refreshing lemon = 7.8

  • Taste: Total inviting refreshing lemonade with sugar on top   = 8.0

  • Experience: Really enjoyed one of these by the pool = 8.5

  • Sweetener: Pure Cane Sugar

Lemmy Lemonade soda pop was first introduced in 1939 by the A. J. Lehman Company. A carbonated soft drink that contained real lemon juice and pure cane sugar..

I have a had few Lemmy’s in the past and finally took the time to write this review. I never got a chance to taste the original, but have to say I really enjoy this lemonade. I’m a fan of lemon flavored drinks and beer, so that probably explains my review. Lemmy contains the perfect mixture that is not to sour and not to sweet. This is a great example of a craft soda from the past. This drink goes down fast and smooth leaving a lemmy taste to remember. This is a great soda to enjoy by the poolside on hot summer day!

Dublin Cherry Limeade (#34)

Overall Rating: 7.15 out of 10

Bottled by Dublin Bottling Works, Dublin, Tx


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 42g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Smooth clear bottle with vintage looking label = 7.2

  • Color: Bubbly red color = 7.4

  • Taste: Cherries and more cherries with some sugar on top   = 7.0

  • Experience:  This makes a great summer retreat after doing some yard work  = 7.0

  • Sweetener: Pure Cane Sugar

If the Dublin name rings a bell, it should. This is the bottling birthplace of the 120 year Dr. Pepper brand. As the Dr. Pepper production stopped there, the Dublin Bottling Works started to take a stand on the craft soda business with the release of many different sodas with one of them being the Cherry Limeade. A clear simple smooth bottle with a vintage label and picture of cherries.

At the release of the green cap, the inviting smell of cherries and fizz. With a great taste of cherries and pure cane sugar, this soda proved it point. Did not really taste much of the lime or much tartness. With the 40+ grams of sugar in this one, tastes is as if your having a cherry sour ball candy. This makes a great summer retreat after doing some yardwork!

Moxie (#33)

Overall Rating: 5.87 out of 10

Bottled thru Orca Beverages


150 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 37g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Great retro label that matches the original = 7.5

  • Color: Flat dark cola color = 7.0

  • Taste: If you have tasted Moxie in the past, you know the taste   = 5.0

  • Experience:  Not a big fan of Moxie taste, but if you grew up with it?  = 4.0

  • Sweetener: Pure Cane Sugar

Well, I think the label saids it all for Moxie “Distinctively Different” If you have had Moxie in the past, you know the taste I’m talking about. If I were to try to explain the taste, I think it would sound like a somewhat flat cola with a aftertaste of a flat Barq’s root beer. It kinda gives me the feeling of taking some type of medication bought in a 1800s drug store. I guest that it explains it being a 100+ year old brand. If you grew up drinking Moxie back in the day, I’m sure this remake would be appealing.

Afri-Cola (#32)

Overall Rating: 5.75 out of 10

MineralBurnnen AG,Classic Beverages Imports


140 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 36g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Know for its fashionable and unique bottle. Have to give them this one. Great shape and clean label = 8.0

  • Color: Deep cola look = 7.0

  • Taste: Flat and dull. Not sure what is so great here   = 4.0

  • Experience:  Again, really tasted like it was open for few days  = 4.0

  • Sweetener: Cane Sugar

With more than 80 years of history in Germany, Afri cola was re-introduced in the United States nationwide. Afri cola is a premium cola made with real sugar and natural flavors, featuring a bold taste that is enhanced by an extra caffeinated kick by containing twice as much caffeine as other colas, the company says. Not sure why this tasted flat to me, but could be because of the high caffeine? It’s a great know product from Germany, and maybe if you grew up drinking Afri-Cola, then you might be hooked on it. But really not a fan favorite for me.

Diet Barritts Ginger Beer (#31)

Overall Rating: 7.67 out of 10

North American Beverage  Ocean City, NJ


0 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 0g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard tall clear bottle with clean font Copper Label. = 7.5

  • Color: Refreshing murky color = 7.5

  • Taste: Great sweet Ginger taste with no sugar = 8.0

  • Experience: Not much of a Ginger person, but enjoyed this one  = 7.7

  • Notable Ingredients: Extract of Quillaia Bark, (interesting)

After tasting the Original Barritts Ginger Beer and not being a big ginger fan I did enjoy it. But after tasting the diet, I can’t say that I noticed much difference between the two. With the diet being zero calories, zero sugar I was very impressed. Barritts provides that deep ginger taste throughout the experience. I can see the real ginger lovers clear this one off the grocery store shelves. Also check out Barritts site as they have some great mixer recipes for their ginger beer.

St. John Brewers Root Beer (#30)

Overall Rating: 8.02 out of 10

St John, Virgin Islands


15 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 49g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Nice beachy looking paper label of palm tree, barrels and tap  = 7.6

  • Color: Medium Brown = 7.8

  • Taste:  Great natural root beer = 8.0

  • Experience: Great taste, reminded me of the that A&W root beer stand in the 1980s  = 8.7

  • Sweetener:  Cane Sugar

    At first thought, a root beer from the islands? really? Well St. John founders have a terrific story and how they started brewing beers. I have not had a chance to try their beers, but the Mango sounds very interesting. Back to soda, St John’s root beer has a great sweet root beer taste that does not disappoint. Natural flavors of Wintergreen, Anise and Vanilla ingredients really give this root beer a unique taste and foaming malt. I have to say, I was impressed with this soda. Really got to try this one with a glass full of vanilla ice cream! Enjoy

Check out their story:

Virgil's Cream Soda (#29)

Overall Rating: 7.92 out of 10

Reeds, Los Angeles, CA


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 42g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Smooth clear bottle with colorful label. Also a nice matching wrapper around neck = 7.5

  • Color: Sandy Brown = 8.0

  • Taste:  Sweet and smooth cream taste  = 8.0

  • Experience: Goes great with a chocolate desert!   = 8.2

  • Sweetener: Unbleached Cane Sugar

    After having Virgil’s root beer, the bar was raised high for the cream soda. Happy to say that I was not disappointed. I got the chance to have the cream soda with a chocolate brownie and boy was that a treat! This soda has a oh so sweet cream taste that goes down smooth. As like the root beer, the cream soda has a very detailed listing of the all natural ingredients including vanilla beans. I’m looking forward to trying more of the Virgil’s soda. Try this cream soda with a chocolate dessert, you won’t be disappointed.

Boylan Cane Cola (#28)

Overall Rating: 7.87 out of 10

Boylan Bottling, Paterson, New Jersey


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 40g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Smooth clear bottle. I have always liked the style and thickness of Boylans bottles. It also has embossed name and year = 8.0

  • Color: Deep cola look = 8.0

  • Taste: Decent and different cola taste   = 7.7

  • Experience: Bought the 4 pack of this one. Great treat in the middle of the day  = 7.8

  • Sweetener: Cane Sugar

Another great soda from Boylan. I have had this one many times thru the years and finally got time for the write up. I always enjoyed Boylan sodas and this is another great example of a simple and satisfying soda. The Boylan’s Cane Cola has a unique cola bite and a delightful taste as it goes down. Enjoy a bottle for that midday treat

NuGrape Soda (#27)

Overall Rating: 6.62 out of 10

Orca Beverages

Website: Orca Beverages

  • 200 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 49g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Vintage Nugrape Yellow label = 7.0

  • Color: Deep purple= 7.0

  • Taste:  Grapey grape, little to much sugar   = 6.5

  • Experience: Great grape refreshment   = 6.0

  • Sweetener:  Cane Sugar and alot of it!

    To start, I can’t remember the actual last time I had a grape soda, so it has been at least a decade on this one. I have several vintage Nugrape bottles and nice to see the they stuck with the same label in yellow. Well this soda for sure has an enriching grape flavor that reminds you of eating grapes right off of the vine. My only major downfall on this one is the high calories and sugar. Got to love their logo “ A Flavor you can’t Forget” and I think this is true to say.

Goody Blue Berry Cream Pop(#26)

Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Orca Beverage, Mukilteo, Washington


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 43g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Tall clear bottle with Goody boy Label. Twist off cap = 7.0

    Color: Deep mystery blue = 7.0

  • Taste: Bubblegum-ish berry and sweet   = 6.5

  • Experience: Overload of sugar on this one  = 5.5

  • Notable Ingredients: Citric acid and sodium benzoate

This is the first time tasing a Goody soda and I’m not surprised on this one. Typical bubble gum ish taste and a lot of sugar. One of these soda was a treat, but I can see a tummy ache after too many of these. I would like to give credit to the Orca Beverage on the great line of retro sodas they provide and also the stories behind their retro brands. Give there website a reading and learn some soda history. Will be trying the red and root beer soon.

Dang! Butterscotch Root Beer (#25)

Overall Rating: 7.90 out of 10

Imperial Flavors


120 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 31g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Fitting dark amber bottle with paper label = 7.0

  • Color: Deep Brown = 7.6

  • Taste:  Deep and sweet root beer with a sweet butterscotch taste   = 8.5

  • Experience: Great treat on a cold night   = 8.5

  • Sweetener:  Sugar

    To start, I can’t ever remember having a Butterscotch Root Beer, so this is a first for me. Tried this on a cold winter night, and have to say “Dang” that’s a great soda! At first twist of the cap, you can smell the aroma of a butterscotch candy. At first sip, you get that root beer taste and with a sweet ending of butterscotch. Looking at the label, it was hard to believe this soda is only 120 calories and 31g of Sugar. Pretty low for such a sweet taste. Label also mentions that it is Caffeine and Gluten free. How can you go wrong with this soda.

Saranac Ginger Beer (#24)

Overall Rating: 6.18 out of 10

Saranac  Utica, NY


160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 42g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard bottle with clean with paper Label. = 6.0

  • Color: Murky color = 6.0

  • Taste: Great deep Ginger taste = 6.5

  • Experience: Again, Not much of a Ginger person = 6.2

As I mention before, I’m not a big ginger fan. But with that being said, I still did enjoy the taste of the Saranac Ginger Beer. This soda seems to have the right amount of sugar. If your ginger person, give this one a try!

Squirt (Mexican) (#23)

Overall Rating: 7.00 out of 10

Dr. Pepper/7up  Plano, Texas

160 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 38g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard tall green twist bottle with authentic painted Squirt yellow label. = 7.0

  • Color: Refreshing Citrus yellow = 7.0

  • Taste: Great refreshing citrus taste = 7.0

  • Experience: Great treat after washing the car  = 7.0

  • Notable Ingredients: Grapefruit juice

  • Sweetener: Sugar

I really can’t remember drinking Squirt as a kid, but always had the opinion of it being much like a Mountain Dew. After washing the car a few Sundays ago, I had the opportunity of choosing this Mexican Squirt at my local convenience store, and have to say this soda hit the spot! This soda has a refreshing citrus taste with a little sweetness at the end that calms down the tart. The bottle is pretty much the same as it was 30 years ago. Really enjoyed this one and looking for another one.

Barritts Ginger Beer (#22)

Overall Rating: 7.05 out of 10

North American Beverage  Ocean City, NJ


200 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 49g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard tall clear bottle with clean font Copper Label. = 6.5

  • Color: Refreshing murky color = 7.0

  • Taste: Great sweet Ginger taste = 7.5

  • Experience: Not much of a Ginger person, but enjoyed this one  = 7.2

  • Notable Ingredients: Extract of Quillaia Bark, (interesting)

  • Sweetener: Cane Sugar

I have to first omit that I’m not a big ginger fan. But with that being said, I actually enjoyed the Barritts Ginger Beer. For sure Barritts provides that deep ginger taste throughout the experience, but with the right amount of cane sugar, it is toned in a natural refreshing way. I can see the real ginger lovers clear this one off the grocery store shelves. Also check out Barritts site as they have some great mixer recipes for their ginger beer. Looking forward to trying their diet ginger beer up next in my refrigerator.

Saranac Shirley Temple (#21)

Overall Rating: 3.95 out of 10

Saranac  Utica, NY


190 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 45g

  • Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard tall clear bottle. = 5.0

  • Color: Watered down fruit punch look = 3.8

  • Taste: Watered down fruit punch  = 3.5

  • Experience: Never had much a taste for Shirley’s  = 3.5

  • Notable Ingredients: Sodium benzoate

  • Sweetener: HFCS

Never had many Shirley Temples in the past, but I get it. A non-alkee drink to enjoy while your parents are having the real deal. With that being said, it gives me that picture of a bartender mixing up a watered down soda water fruit punch mix. Well that is what you get here, so I guess this goes with the theme.  My take: Don’t waste your money on 6 pack of this one.