Royal Palm was a soda brand distributed widely across Florida, Carolinas, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Georgia and Indiana from the early 1900s till the 1980s. Doing research, but with no official proof, I think the brand started off around 1912 at the Miami Coca-Cola bottler as per early newspaper articles that I have posted below. There were many Royal Palm “happenings” in Miami at this time such as the Royal Palm Hotel and also a popular Royal Palm Soda Fountain on Flagler Ave, but I have found no proof to any of these being related to the new soda brand that Coca-Cola released. The early bottles were embossed, but most of the bottles produced have applied color labels (ACL). The main logo was showing Royal Palm trees with either green and white or red and white colored labels. The bottles ranging in size from 6 to 32 ounces. Royal Palm was a brand that was owned and distributed thru the Coca-Cola bottling distribution centers. Royal Palm flavors were Grape, Orange and Strawberry which provided an alternative to the Coca Cola soda flavor
Royal Palm Newspaper Articles
Crown Caps
Bottles -Embossed
6-8oz ACLs
10oz ACLS
32oz Bottles