Overall Rating: 7.67 out of 10
North American Beverage Ocean City, NJ
Website: http://www.bermudasgingerbeer.com/
0 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 0g
Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard tall clear bottle with clean font Copper Label. = 7.5
Color: Refreshing murky color = 7.5
Taste: Great sweet Ginger taste with no sugar = 8.0
Experience: Not much of a Ginger person, but enjoyed this one = 7.7
Notable Ingredients: Extract of Quillaia Bark, (interesting)
After tasting the Original Barritts Ginger Beer and not being a big ginger fan I did enjoy it. But after tasting the diet, I can’t say that I noticed much difference between the two. With the diet being zero calories, zero sugar I was very impressed. Barritts provides that deep ginger taste throughout the experience. I can see the real ginger lovers clear this one off the grocery store shelves. Also check out Barritts site as they have some great mixer recipes for their ginger beer.