Overall Rating: 6.00 out of 10
Saranac Utica, NY
Website: https://www.saranac.com/
188 Calories (12oz) , Sugar 46g
Label and Bottle Appearance: Standard tall amber bottle with no trills label that was not glued on very well. = 5.0
Color: Modestly dark brown = 6.0
Taste: Deep full root beer taste = 6.0
Experience: So far this is the best Saranac beverage I have had = 7.0
Notable Ingredients: Sodium benzoate, hmm
Sweetener: HFCS
As I mention, this is a decent root beer that provides a nice foamy taste that reminds me of A& W root beer. This root beer has an upfront bite, but then goes down smooth. Looks like Saranac got this one right!