
VSC on Display at the Safety Harbor Museum and Cultural Center

VSC on Display at the Safety Harbor Museum and Cultural Center

It is with great honor with setting up a display of my collection in a second museum this year. Thanks to the folks at the Safety Harbor Museum and Cultural Center for this great opportunity! This great little museum is in Safety Harbor, Florida which is located at the top of Tampa Bay in the city in which I have resided in for the past 20 years.

Kick The Can

Kick The Can

Before the technology era, as young kids, we spent the majority of the day outside. Whether it was playing sports, camping or riding bikes, it seemed like I was outside whenever at all possible. Those great memories outside, also include playing many games and one that comes to mind is “Kick the Can” Hiding and running around the yard at night with that eagerness to kick that helpless can before my older brother or sisters was a high of my childhood. With that being said, I have dedicated this section to those vintage soda cans that survive “getting kicked around”. Hope you enjoy, Tom